ABHH lamenta o falecimento do cientista, professor, médico e amigo

 A Associação Brasileira de Hematologia, Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular (ABHH) lamenta o falecimento do professor John Goldman, no dia 24 de dezembro. O especialista esteve à frente das principais sociedades europeias da especialidade e contribuiu decisivamente para o desenvolvimento do tratamento da leucemia mieloide crônica (LMC) no mundo.

Para o diretor científico da ABHH, Carmino Antonio de Souza, esta é uma triste notícia para a hematologia mundial. “Além de cientista, professor e médico, Goldman era um amigo incondicional.”

Clique aqui para ler o tributo da EBMT para o Professor John Goldman.

ABHH regrets the death of the scientist, professor, doctor and friend

The Brazilian Association of Hematology, Hematology and Cell Therapy (ABHH) mourns the passing of Professor John Goldman, occurred on 24th December. The specialist was at the forefront of leading european specialty societies and contributed decisively for the development of the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the world.

For the scientific director of ABHH, Carmino Antonio de Souza, this is a sad news for the global hematology. “Besides scientist, teacher and doctor, Goldman was an unconditional friend.”

Click here to read the EBMT tribute to Professor John Goldman.


john_goldmanABHH regrets the death of the scientist, professor, doctor and friend

The Brazilian Association of Hematology, Hematology and Cell Therapy (ABHH) mourns the passing of Professor John Goldman, occurred on 24th December. The specialist was at the forefront of leading european specialty societies and contributed decisively for the development of the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in the world.

For the scientific director of ABHH, Carmino Antonio de Souza, this is a sad news for the global hematology. “Besides scientist, teacher and doctor, Goldman was an unconditional friend.”